Monday, March 9, 2015

That one time we got married.....

I'm a married woman. I have a husband. My last name is Sanchez. What is this life?

Those are the first thoughts that come to mind when Ive woken up every morning for the last week. Yeah that's right...Ive been married a week and some change. So crazy. Anyhow, I decided to create this little blog to keep our friends and family updated on our whereabouts and whatsabouts and everything in between. It's been slow to start simply because we have been unpacking and studying like two crazy kids. So forgive me for the lag in updates for a minute. But now that I'm here let me tell you all about our crazy trip to PA! 

First things first my phone got transported to Ohio on accident after the wedding which stressed me out a tiny bit due to having to drive 14 hours and also because I was leaving all of my friends and family and wanted to call/text/see them before I left :( My genius husband (eek) came up with the idea of us using walkie talkies to communicate. This of course led to us having perverted and perfect road call signs. I're looking at Big Booty Sanchez right here! Hilarious endeavors followed as we got lost, snuck our pets into a hotel room and then snuck them out the next morning, and finally arrived in PA and moved into our house while it was!

Me standing in the street while it snowed :)
Since we have been in our row house we have explored our neighborhood and found 1 trillion awesome and cool bars/coffee shops/ restaurants within walking distance. In fact I'm currently sitting in Cupka Joe which is one block down from us and a auto shop/garage turned coffee shop. I will probably write from here a lot! 

One part of this duo also got a new hair cut and she is feeling fabulous! If you have been listening to anything I have said for the last 2 years it was that I couldn't wait to cut my hair. The only reason I was holding on to the length was for my wedding day hair. I promised Juss that as soon as we got married I was getting chopped and I stuck to my word. I surprised him because I did it without warning and he came home from work to a new woman. He loved it (Thank goodness)! I was only slightly worried he wouldn't be into my new short hair, so my fingers were crossed until the minute he walked in and laughed and said "OMG you cut your hair! I love it" Phew......
11 inches gone
We take our boards this week so wish us luck! Ill be back later to update you guys on our scores and how we are planning to celebrate! Until then here's a picture of our pup pup just being spoiled and sleeping in our bed....
Kai Sanchez, cuddle extraordinaire

Natasha Sanchez