About Sarah.Street.Sanchezs

Hi :)

I'm so glad you stopped by our little blog.  Let me tell you all about "The Sanchez's". We are a married couple who met and fell in love in the wonderful city town of Little Rock, Arkansas. We got married February 28th, 2015 and two days later moved ourselves, our cat and dog, and our personal belongings to Pittsburgh, PA to start a new life and new jobs. 

Us and our parents at graduation

Sanchez party of 2

We decided to start a blog to keep our family and friends updated with our lives and adventures through the "Burgh". We are both nurses starting our first nursing jobs and starting our married life in a new city and we can't wait to explore and start our family. I hope you enjoy reading about our life as much as we enjoy living and writing about it. 

Don't be shy, leave us a comment! We love to get feedback and if you live in the Pittsburgh area that's a bonus. We are always looking for something new to check out so shoot us some suggestions! 

Natasha and Jussus Sanchez